Men are renowned for potting around in sheds.

So the decision was a no-brainer when a keen potter from The Firefly Club asked the helpful chaps at Bordon Men’s Shed to make her table.

You’ve got to hand it to Ted Wood and Peter Benson for producing this fine piece of craftsmanship in their spare time.

And they also did it without access to a permanent workshop as the Men’s Shed is still waiting to move into a new home.

A resident of the Firefly Club – an eight-bedroom home on Woolmer Way for young adults with learning disabilities – was recently encouraged to take up gardening to develop skills.

So Messrs Wood and Benson agreed to construct her table to help with potting up seedlings and plants in her garden.

The results were impressive but took longer than expected because of the lack of indoor facilities and unsuitable outdoor conditions for woodworking and treatment.

The table has since been handed over but the length of the project has highlighted the necessity of giving the men’s shed a new home, with the group set to move into a new workshop beside The Phoenix Theatre and Arts Centre later this year.

The outfit is currently homeless having been previously forced to leave workshops in the ex-military police building and Building 64 on the Prince Philip Barracks site.

So, if Ted and Peter can make something this good while the wait goes on, just imagine what they can do when with a permanent home.