It’s easy to forget about the importance and rarity of heathland given Whitehill & Bordon is surrounded by it.

But if you want to learn more about a prized habitat that’s rarer than the rainforest then head to Hogmoor Inclosure next Tuesday, June 25.

The importance of heathlands will be highlighted when the Deadwater Valley Trust (DVT) holds the first in series of quarterly talks at The Beehive.

The first will be An Introduction to the Heathlands Reunited Project and the wildlife that lives in the rare habitat of the Deadwater Valley area.

The guest speaker at the 6.30pm event will be Elinor Newman, South Downs National Park ranger and Heathlands Reunited supremo.

The talk will be followed by tea, coffee and cake and an update on DVT activities. Entry is free for Friends of The Deadwater and Hogmoor but is otherwise £2 per adults, with booking encouraged by emailing [email protected] as numbers are limited.

Future talks will include updates of the DVT’s work around Whitehill & Bordon and a presentation by an external guest speaker on a related subject.

Nature fans and walkers may also be pleased to read that work on the bridge and boardwalk linking Bordon with Lindford has been completed with the section between the Hawthorn play area and Cafe 1759 opening last Tuesday.

Work on the remaining section of boardwalk and footpath - which can also be used by cyclists - leading up the slope will begin in September and is expected to take three weeks.