A beacon of peace was lit at a Bordon school as staff, students and parents came together to remember the heroism and sacrifices made on D-Day.

Around 40 people took part in a commemorative event at Oakmoor School last Thursday to mark the 80th anniversary of the landings.

The school was keen to hold its own ceremony among those either side of the English Channel to honour the brave personnel who risked their lives for freedom and peace on the Normandy coast.

The evening began with a presentation in the school’s theatre by Oakmoor’s academic and pastoral leader, Patrick Rose, who outlined how Bordon was very much part of the war effort.

His talk was followed by a series of readings to remember what happened on the beaches 80 years ago.

Participants then walked to the school’s quad where headteacher, Nigel Wright, lit the beacon for peace at 9.15pm ahead of a two-minute silence. 

“I was so glad we were able to attend last night’s service,” said one parent, before thanking Mr Rose and the staff members who attended.

“The service was a fitting tribute to those who gave their lives and fought for our freedom on D-Day.

“It is a reminder of the importance of never forgetting the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women, and the impact it has had on the world today. 

“We are forever grateful for the courage and determination of our veterans, and will always remember their bravery and heroism.”

Mr Wright said: “We were very pleased at Oakmoor School to play our part in remembering the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought on D-Day 80 years ago.

“The community were moved by the event and I’m sure that this memorable evening will stay in the minds of students for many years to come.”