Town councillors have dished out nearly £50,000 to a handful of good causes that help some of Whitehill & Bordon’s less fortunate residents.
Members of the town council’s Executive Committee were in a generous mood at their February meeting as they agreed to five major grant applications.
Citizens Advice East Hampshire, The Phoenix Theatre & Arts Centre and Sacred Heart Church each received £12,151 while smaller sums were awarded to Homestart Hampshire and Mercer’s Gym – although there was a proviso for the latter.
The funding given to CAEH will go towards providing continued advice and support to the most vulnerable and deprived residents with many struggling with debt and cost of living issues.

Helen Drake, chief executive of CAE, was delighted to secure funding at the Forest Community Centre meeting while Phoenix CEO Rob Allerston and his colleagues also left smiling.
The council awarded the same fund to support core activities at the centre, which produces and hosts more than 350 community-focused events, classes and workshops annually.
The funding awarded to Sacred Heart Church will go towards refurbishing the parish hall used by groups and clubs throughout the week while Homestart Butser were given £8,101.
The organisation provides support to struggling and vulnerable families with one-to-one volunteer support.
The funding will go towards the development of a ‘New Parents Wellbeing’ group tailored for families living in the W&B area.
But there is a condition and HomeStart must provide WTC with proof that the money will only be spent on local families with the council seeking “strong evidence” to back up the application.
Mercers Gym were given £3,960 to run a 12-week self-defence programme for 30 disadvantaged girls.
But monies must be returned if not all the places are taken up, with councillors also asking for evidence of class numbers.