The Liberal Democrat hopeful for Farnham & Bordon has made a familiar three-word plea as campaigning winds up.

Khalil Yousuf believes that voters in the new constituency are “ready for change” and that his party is fighting for every vote as the general election campaign comes to an end.

The prospective parliamentary candidate has been campaigning to stop sewage being dumped in the River Wey, better SEND facilities for schools and greater protection for the patch’s natural beauty.

His campaign has also focused on better access to GPS and dentists, improved local transport, reduced NHS waiting lists and ways to ease the cost of living crisis. 

He believes his party are in a strong position as the Liberal Democrats have come second in previous general elections and have a number of councillors sitting in local council seats.

The candidate said: “Throughout this election I have spoken to thousands of people across Farnham & Bordon and one thing is clear - people here are ready for change.

“Local health services have been brought to their knees, people’s mortgages and rents have skyrocketed and water companies have been allowed to pump their filthy sewage into our rivers and beaches. All this by a Conservative government more interested in fighting between themselves than standing up for the country.”

Mr Yousuf concluded: “Every vote for the Liberal Democrats at this election is a vote to elect a strong local champion who will fight every day for our NHS and care.”