Residents of a Bordon estate have breathed a collective sigh of relief as plans for homes on an “underutilised” green space have been strongly rejected.

East Hampshire District Council has turned down outline plans for up to 30 homes on land between Budds Lane, Essex Road and Hampshire Road.

The application by DLA Architecture Ltd on behalf of Annington Property Limited sought to establish the principle of housing on the site with two developments of eight and 22 terraced houses proposed.

But planners have sent them back to the drawing board with eight reasons for refusal being given in a strong rebuttal to the application.

Officers criticised the density and proposed siting of the housing while raising concerns about the “unacceptable loss” of open space, light and habitat.

Bordon Lamerton Essex Housing Site Rejection
Planners raised concerns about the "unacceptable loss" of open space. (Google StreetView) (Google StreetView)

Concerns about the lack of information about highway safety measures, likely noise levels and drainage were also raised in the seven-page refusal notice.

Nearly 140 public comments were submitted with the vast majority objecting to the plans, which suggested replacing a parking area on the corner of Hampshire Road and Budds Lane with two blocks of four terraced houses fronting the latter.

The second part of the application was for five blocks of terraced housing on the corner of Hampshire Road and Essex Road with a new play area behind.

Concerns raised by the public included the possible loss of the play area and open space behind the multi-storey blocks west of Camp Road, with one objector calling the proposals “dreadful, dangerous and irresponsible”.