A town crier has given a big shout-out to a Surrey custom car club for giving him extra drive on a fundraising run for a charity close to his heart.

Stuart Morrison raised more than £2,300 for mental health charity Big Moose after running the Farnborough Winter Half Marathon on February 8.

The voice of Whitehill & Bordon – who completed the 13.1 mile course in two hours and 33 minutes – wanted to repay the Cardiff-based charity for the emergency mental health support they gave him while he was grieving.

So he was thrilled to hand over a good, healthy sum to the good cause, as the money is enough to provide a free course of treatment to at least five people.

He said: “It wasn’t a personal best but it doesn’t matter – thanks to all who have sponsored, supported, cheered and encouraged me throughout this.”

Stuart Morrison Farnborough Marathon
Proudly wearing the finisher's medal. (Stuart Morrison)

Louise O’Reilly, spokesperson for Big Moose added: “Stuart’s dedication has not only raised essential funds but has also helped to shine a spotlight on the importance of mental health support.”

One of the biggest contributions came from the Surrey Street Rodders with the Guildford-based group donating £1,000 to Stuart’s cause.

Their generous donation means that multiple people will now have access to vital mental health assistance with the group’s spokesperson, Andrew Carpenter, sharing Stuart’s enthusiasm for the worthy recipients.

He said: “The SSR were so pleased to be able to help Stu support Big Moose in the Farnborough Winter Half Marathon, with our donation going to help cover the cost for several people to get the help they so dearly need.”

The SSR are currently preparing for their 50th annual Wheels Day event at Newbury Showground with funds from the April 18 event going to local charities. For more details visit www.wheelsday.co.uk