For most schools, September is business as usual, but for the children starting at Northchapel Primary School in Petworth, this September is anything but normal. On August 1, heavy rains caused a flash flood that devastated three classrooms, leaving the school in desperate need of help.

These classrooms, used by the youngest pupils, were severely damaged, with everything from toys and books to rugs and educational resources destroyed. The flood also ruined the £30,000 outdoor play area, built just six years ago following a major fundraising effort.

Andy James, Chair of Governors, said: “It was awful. We had put so much time, effort and money into creating a great learning environment and outdoor play area, and my heart just sank to see it all destroyed by the flood.

“The water had run through the classrooms, and the smell and standing water made me think there was no way we’d be able to get back up and running for the start of term in September.”

As a temporary solution, the preschool, along with the breakfast and afterschool clubs, have been relocated to the village hall, while Reception and Year 1 students have been moved to another classroom within the school.

While insurance will cover the main repairs, including stripping the classrooms back to bare brick and concrete floors, it won’t cover the cost of replacing the toys, books, and rugs that were built up over the years. Crucially, the early years’ outdoor play surface is also not covered by insurance.

The school has launched a fundraising campaign to help restore the damaged classrooms and play area. The Northchapel community has already rallied behind the school’s cause, but more support is needed to ensure the school can return to normal.