Draft plans have been submitted to build up to 30 houses on an “underutilised and inefficient” patch north of Bordon’s long-awaited town centre.

Two developments of eight and 22 terraced houses have been earmarked for land between Lamerton Road, Hampshire Road, Essex Road and Budds Lane.

The application by DLA Architecture Ltd on behalf of Annington Property Limit is outline and seeks to establish the principle of development. 

The initial plans suggest replacing a parking area on the corner of Lamerton Road and Budds Lane with two blocks of four terraced houses fronting the latter.

The second part of the application is for five blocks of terraced housing on the corner of Hampshire Road and Essex Road with a play area behind.

The houses will contain either two or three bedrooms while 15 of the 30 will be affordable affording to the firm’s design and access statement.

The statement reads: “Following the decision by Annington to retain and refurbish the existing properties (to the east), there is an opportunity for infill development that sits alongside the existing dwellings, given that the overall site is underutilised and inefficient.

“There is an equipped play area and a grassed area for casual kickabouts, but both have lacked regular maintenance and are in a poor condition.”

The application to East Hampshire District Council has prompted one objection at the time of writing with loss of green space and overdevelopment being cited.

The objection reads: “More than halving the green space available to residents aside, there is currently a park used by the entire estate on a daily basis, I don't believe the loss of yet more services to secure additional houses is a balanced used of resources.”

To comment or for more details type 59491 into the search applications browser on the EHDC planning pages.