East Hampshire’s ‘coolest mayor’ has handed over the chains of power after two years as a town’s ceremonial figure.

Cllr Leeroy Scott is a towering figure – quite literally at 6.7ft – in Whitehill & Bordon, both as a person and a councillor.

The Jamaican has prompted smiles and a warm reaction during his countless civic engagements since taking over the role from Cllr Bisi Kennard in May 2022. 

The weight around his neck is now a bit lighter as he handed over the chains of office last month, with Cllr James Fryer now stepping into his extremely big shoes as mayor of Whitehill and Bordon.

“I know it’s down to a vote, but I was going through a lot with family and I felt it was time I let someone else have a go at being mayor,” said Cllr Scott during a chat at The Phoenix.

“Being mayor has been so good. I’ve enjoyed my time as mayor because I’ve met an interesting cross section of people and I’ve done a lot of things I wouldn’t have dreamt of doing.”

Cllr Scott was ‘pestered into’ joining Whitehill Town Council by former councillor Zoya Faddy because of his popularity and trustworthiness.

He remains committed to improving youth facilities in the town and is a staunch supporter of the arts, with the former teacher attending a Christopher Cole exhibition preview at The Phoenix on Saturday as an example.

Some were expecting him to come in mayoral attire, but he’s been getting that a lot since standing aside.

“A lot of people ask where my chains are,” Cllr Scott joked.

“Some have said ‘why did you stop, why did you give it to someone else’ but it took a lot of time and it’s very demanding.

“But don’t worry,” he smirks, “I’ll be back”.