Students have given an outgoing headteacher the perfect leaving present with Frensham Heights School achieving an “exceptional” set of GCSE results.
An impressive 99 per cent of students achieved a 9 to 4 grade while the percentage for 9-7 and 9-5 was 53 per cent and 92 per cent, respectively.
The results were an improvement on previous years and “reflect the school’s commitment to offering a dynamic and modern education” according to departing head, Andrew Fisher.
He said: “These wonderful young adults bore the greatest impact of lockdown and yet with exceptional teaching, support and love, they have performed beyond all expectations.”
Almost a quarter of Royal School pupils achieved the highest grade 9 with more than half getting 9-8 in English and 47 per cent securing 9 to 7 in Maths.
Some 58 per cent of all grades were 9 to 7 while there was a magnifique result in French with 56 per cent getting the top 9 mark.
Students at the Haslemere school cited small classes, specialist teachers, personalised curriculums and expert study skills workshops for their success.
Top achievers included Peter with eleven Grade 9s and the highest GCSE Drama mark in England and Wales, and Rufus, with ten Grade 9s.

Paul Norman, Headmaster at The Royal School, said: "I am immensely proud of our pupils.”
Students at the largest and leading specialist school in the UK did themselves proud with GCSE grades at More House School in Frensham exceeding expectations.
The school, which caters for students with diagnosed learning challenges, has hailed some “extraordinary achievements” in their GCSE and Level 2 BTEC results.
The school’s Grade 9-4 results were above the English national average despite 77 per cent of students having an Education, Health and Care plan which demonstrates complex special needs.
Students also beat the national averages for passes in English and Mathematics with headmaster, Jonathan Hetherington, recognising the “fantastic” achievement of the cohort.
Salesian College headmaster Gerard Owens was a happy man last Thursday as GCSE students “surpassed their previous levels of attainment”.
An impressive 79 per cent of students achieved Grades 9-7 while the percentages for 9-6 and 9-5 were a decent 71 and 85, respectively.
Achieving the perfect ten was Shaurya C with the same number of Grade 9s while Liam G, Henry S and Rhys D were close behind with nine top marks, apiece.
“At a time when grades have been harder to achieve across the board, we are very happy to have again maintained excellent results,” said Mr Owens.
The percentage of students getting 9-7 was 46 per cent at Lord Wandsworth Collegewith the overall grade at the Hook school being 96 per cent.
Both figures are an improvement on last year with headmaster Adam Williams speaking eloquently about the cohort’s performance.
He said: “Some students have embarked on this path with confidence, while others found strength along the way, but all have arrived at this moment with results that speak volumes.
“We are extremely proud of them all and thrilled about what comes next.”