Businesses in Petersfield’s Bakery Lane will find out their future tonight as East Hampshire District Council’s planning committee meets to determine a significant proposal.
Fez Bazaar and The Blacksmiths Daughter are under threat from a fourth planning application from their landlord that seeks to demolish the single-storey building where they operate and replace it with a commercial unit.
More than 120 objections have been received, raising concerns about the loss of the businesses and the historical buildings and the impact of construction work on adjacent businesses, residential properties and foot traffic through the area.
One objection describes the application as a “money-making scheme” and it shows no “empathy for the people who make a living from them”.
Despite strong opposition, the committee report recommends approval for the plans, subject to certain conditions. Both business owners are encouraging as many people as possible to attend the meeting to show their support.
Previously, The Blacksmith's Daughter owner Kristina Cousen, told The Post: “I’ve been here for 25 years and it's extremely stressful.
“If the application is successful then where do we go in the meantime? There is no monetary gain and absolutely no gain to the Petersfield community.”
The planning committee will meet at Monterey House, Bedford Road in Petersfield at 6pm.