HASLEMERE town councillors could begin debating the merits of a 20mph speed limit in the town by the end of this month.

Town clerk Lisa O’Sullivan is trying to arrange a date for a presentation on the subject by Chris Harrison of Active Travel Haslemere, with June 30 or July 7 currently earmarked.

Cllr Terry Weldon said: “Because of current Covid restrictions this will not be a formal council meeting, as it could not be held in the restricted space of the town hall and online virtual meetings are no longer permitted in law.

“Instead it will be done online as a presentation to interested councillors, with room for discussion but no vote.”

Mr Harrison said: “We have been exploring ways to make travel across Haslemere by foot or cycle more easy.

“The town has quite tricky topography because of the hills, bends and pinch points.

“The thought of the group is to make the whole of Haslemere into a 20mph zone, it would have a very significant impact.

“And if people get into their heads that it’s a 20mph town then it’s a lot easier than constantly looking up at signs trying to work out what the speed limit is.”

Cllr Weldon added: “I am not a cyclist, and was sceptical about the 20mph proposal, but as I have seen the evidence in favour I have found the argument compelling on safety, health and financial grounds.

“Lower speeds clearly reduce the risk of accidents, and when these do occur the risk of serious injury or even death is very much reduced.

“It also encourages more people to cycle or walk, which is an agreed goal of government.

“Fewer cars on the road, coupled with reduced speeds, would help to reduce pollution, and so reduce pollution-induced health problems.

“The health benefits in turn lead to financial benefits to the community.

“If people are healthier, there is reduced pressure on the NHS.

“Better health also means lower rates of absenteeism from work, improving productivity in the workplace.”

Cllr Weldon went on Twitter to support the idea and was backed by Cllr Kirsten Ellis, who researched the subject on the national 20mph limit group ‘20 is plenty’ website

She said: “I think the ‘20 is plenty’ website is quite compelling, but there is quite a lot to consider on this subject.”