There was a great Buzz in Blackmoor as a four-legged visitor stole the show at a garden fete in aid of the village church.

Jilly Prideaux and the Friends of St Matthew’s put on a blooming good show with a variety of stalls and attractions complimenting the garden’s cornucopia of colourful flowers.

A plant sale, cream teas, bottle tombola, BBQ and ‘Blackmoor Bling’ stall were among the highlights along with a bar and performance by the Woolmer Forest Community Choir.

Blackmoor Garden Fete Woolmer Choir
A performance by the Woolmer Forest Community Choir was one of the highlights. (Debbie Matthias)

But the stars were arguably Marie and her 18-month-old trainee Autism assistance dog, Buzz, who is close to graduation after months of fostering.

Their appearance showcased the work of Selborne-based charity Dogs for Autism with £52 being donated to Buzz’s grooming costs by impressed visitors.

The event raised more than £2,400 while the likes of The Hanger, Tesco’s Bordon, Station Road Garage in Liphook, Luffs and OLS Promotional Clothing all donated raffle prizes.