Bordon students have learned a harrowing lesson as they’ve spent time with the daughter of a holocaust survivor whose testimony became part of an Oscar-winning film.

Marilyn Turtle recently came to Oakmoor School to seek with students about her father’s experiences as a Jew during World War Two.

During the 1940s her family faced persecution as the Nazis murdered Mrs Turgel’s aunt, grandmother and uncle. The latter was only three when they were sent to their appalling end at Treblinka extermination camp.

Mrs Turgel's father, Szmul Jakub Goldberg, was born in a small town in Poland called Pietrokov in 1925. Her father survived Buchenwald, Schlieben, Flossburg and Matthausen before he and other survivors were liberated by the Allied forces on May 5, 1945.

Her grandfather also survived his time in these camps but he was shot the day before liberation. Her father was one of the testimonies used for Steven Spielburg's film Schindler’s List in 1993.

Year 8 students Phoebe and Paige said: “Maralyn’s story about her dad was emotional and interesting to listen to. It gives a proper opinion and view of the horrors of the Holocaust”. 

Oakmoor School Headteacher Nigel Wright said: “We are very grateful to Mrs Turgel for coming into Oakmoor School to speak to our Year 8 students about this inspirational story of loss and survival.

“The talk gave our students the opportunity to learn lessons from the past and to give them the courage to challenge all forms of hatred and persecution.”