Members of a Bordon institution got crafty at a beauty spot on Sunday as part of a bid to highlight the shameful state of the country’s rivers.

The Bordon Belles WI begun a Week of River Action by “craft bombing” the Canes Lane bridge in Bordon Inclosure before testing the health of the Wey.

It was part of a national Clean Rivers campaign by the WI calling for urgent action from the government to strengthen regulation and fix our water systems.

A stunning Clean Rivers banner with more than 60 crochet squares and adorned with knitted fish, dragonflies and the odd poo was made and unveiled by Rosina Harrod for the occasion.

Bordon Belles Clean Rivers Wey PIC2
The water quality of the Wey was tested during the Bordon Belles WI event at Bordon Inclosure. (Bordon Belles WI/Deadwater Valley Trust)

The centrepiece took more than 60 hours to create while other members and their families made posters and knitted fish to highlight the campaign.

Tests carried out by Julie Read of the Deadwater Valley Trust, with the support of Whitehill Town Council, show the Wey is currently healthy with phosphate, nitrate, pH, chlorine and odour levels all being checked.

But while the picture is good locally, Bordon Belles WI president, Sarah-Jane Bellis, believes a lot more needs to be done nationally with calls for a “transformative legislation” that tackles the water crisis “once and for all”.

She said: “I am delighted our local river water quality is good, but in other areas across the country it is shameful. We want to see an end to river pollution. 

“We’re doing what the WI does best – spreading awareness, taking action - and having some crafty fun while we’re at it! I am very proud of our talented members and what they have achieved today.”

Residents will have another chance to see the group’s banner this Sunday as the WI will have a cake stall at the Celebration of Military History at Hogmore Inclosure.