A cycle shop in Bordon has joined forces with the district council to offer a wheely good way to get around town.

East Hampshire residents have been given the chance to hire bikes and e-bikes for two hours for free from Cycle Sphere at The Shed.

The partnership is part of a scheme to promote healthier and more active lifestyles, while showcasing how easy it is to cycle around Whitehill & Bordon.

A case in point is the W&B Green Loop, a flat network of paths connecting sites of local interest and beauty, like The Shed, Hogmoor Inclosure and Quebec Terrace.

Cycle Sphere boss Simon Bush is “excited” about the partnership with EHDC. His business sells, hires and repairs bikes, so he’s keen to encourage more people to saddle up and get exploring on two wheels.

He said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for locals that may not have access to a bike currently to use one and enjoy the benefits of the town developments in and around the Green Loop.”

The scheme is only open to East Hampshire residents and proof of identification will be required.

“We’re so lucky that we have the Green Loop right on our doorstep and now, thanks to our agreement with Cycle Sphere, people can borrow a bike to ride the Loop completely free,” said EHDC leader, Cllr Richard Millard.

“Not only is cycling great fun but it is also great for fitness and a much better alternative to getting in your car.”